The Principal, Mr KONG Yick-cheong, the Assistant Principal, Ms LEUNG Yee-hing Nancy, and three teachers accompanied 36 students on a 5-day exchange programme with our sister school, Zhenhai Jiaochuan College (寧波镇海蛟川書院) to Ningbo from 30th March to 3rd April 2017. It was not only an invaluable moment for students and teachers from Hong Kong and China to exchange their ideas on learning and teaching, but also a precious opportunity for Hong Kong students to broaden their horizons and further develop their understanding about China. During this fruitful trip, students observed Science and English lessons, visited the book corner at the College and had lunch with their Zhenhai Jiaochuan buddies. Apart from visiting our sister school, the group also visited the University of Nottingham (Ningbo Campus). Students were very impressed with the enormous school campus and advanced facilities there. Besides visiting different faculties, students and teachers went to see some well-known Ningbo and Shanghai tourist spots and had an opportunity to try authentic Ningbo and Shanghai cuisines. Everyone was very happy with the trip as they found the exchange programme to be memorable and meaningful. We are looking forward to saying “nĭ hăo” and seeing our sister school buddies again!
Please visit the CLSMSS Photo Gallery for more photos.
- PTA Parents Educational Course and Weekend Gathering
- "Hong Kong Script Re-writing Competition for Junior Secondary School Students "and "Hong Kong Writing Competition for Senior Secondary School Students"
- Parent Education Workshop
- New Energy New Generation Solar Car Competition
- Annual General Meeting of the Parents and Teachers Association cum Parents’ Day
- Reaching New Heights: A Talk by Mr. Lai Chi-wai
- Annual Swimming Gala
- Inauguration of Student Union cum Annual General Meeting